
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The joys of close season

An interesting winter - Prague is gripping with the biggest snowfall since 1993, snow is piled deep everywhere and nobody seems to know how to cope with such a situation.
I took the opportunity to do some cross country skiing in the parks of our beloved capital, which in ordinary winters gets just a sprinkle of snow for a couple of days.
I also took my skis to a prospecting trip to some small streams that I plan to visit in the next season. The last time I visited this stream was in June, and a big fat Brown was very active in the head of this pool. Now it seems devoid of life and one has just to wonder where the fish went and whether it will be there waiting for me in the spring.
For now the fish is safe as the snow and cold (and very unwelcoming legislation :) have me tied up at my tying station till March or so...

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