
Monday, June 21, 2010

Aphid fly

This Saturday I came to an unusual situation on my favorite stillwater: the expected buzzer hatch did not materialize - I suspect sudden change in air pressure, accompanied by drop in temperature of about 15°C was to blame - but some fish never the less were rising. No insect activity was apparent and the fish ignored all my flies: both dark and pale mayflies, caddis flies, beetles and daddy long legs I kept changing in my increasing desperation.

I finally succeeded in provoking a couple rainbows to attack a red & white lure; autopsy showed that the cause of the rises was a fall of rather large aphids, which were carried by wind from surrounding aspen trees. Until then I had no aphid in my fly box, a sad fact I set today to rectify.

The tie:
#20 HanĂ¡k 130BL hook (a #22 or #24 hook would be even better, this was the smallest I had)
green Hends body thread for the body
2 layers of lacquer (the buoyant kind, not epoxy)
tip of a CDC feather
17/0 white UNI Trico thread
a light touch of black CD marker


  1. Your Aphid's body shape is more realistic than mine but I worry about closing the gape of what is a tiny hook after all so make mine "wrong" (slim). I have some down eye small hooks but again prefer straight ring eye to keep the gape as open as possible.

    What tippet do you use with your Aphid?

    Regular Rod

  2. I confess this fly has yet to land a fish: aphid situations are few and far between (though when they occur they ask for a accurate representation).

    I did not have an opportunity to test the fly yet. The shape is influenced by Balkan style ants that work well for me, but reduced in size.

    As for tippet I would use the thinnest I carry, which is .08mm Stroft

