
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mayfly Spinner

The time of the Mayfly is here! When the trout key on the danicas no other imitation will suffice :)

The tie:
TMC 109BL #9 Hook
8/0 White UNI Thread
4 Moose mane hairs
Cream UNI floss
black embroidery thread
Polypropylen yarn
Hare dubbing spun in loop
light touch of black marker on head

The best way to fish these is on the margins, where big, fat and lazy fish sit on the edge of current and eddy and wait for the dead and dying spinners that float by in large numbers. Then they feast on them in leisurely pace... yummy!


  1. Hi,

    Where did you get the TMC 109 hooks from in those sizes? They seem to be discontinued a long time ago - unfortunately.

    Thomas Schreiber

  2. I bought the hooks in my local fly shop over here in Prague, never heard that they might be discontinued - that would be a pity, for they are just perfect Mayfly hooks.

