
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hare Emerger

The honor to be the first patten in my newly empty Grayling box fell to the Hare's Emerger. It was not a surprising choice - it is a pattern that has brought me many a fine fish over the years, one in which I have an absolute confidence. The combination of scruffy hare dubbing, CDC and a little flash has served me well in many a difficult fishing situation.

The tie:
#18 HanĂ¡k 130 BL hook
14/0 Sheer thread Grey
three strands of orange Krystal Flash
UNI #16 gold tinsel
homemade scruffy Hare dubbing
two fine CDC feather tips

1 comment:

  1. nice flies again Jindra!!

    Spencer (fish and fly forum)
