
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Orange Chickabou

Even though I live in a big city I am lucky to have friends and relations who still raise chicken, thus giving me a good supply of home plucked chickabou feathers. These take dye very well, and once dyed Orange they make a sure killing lure for bashing stockies on stillwaters.

I found out that by using the same material, while slightly alternating the hooks and beads used, I can target a somewhat different quarry.

This set of earrings will make a gift to a lady friend.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Canon Foam Spinner

I have been recently forced to buy a new camera - the old one ending its life in a trout stream as direct result of gross negligence on part of its owner.

An unexpected consequence of the purchase was that the new camera came in a very handy foam protective packaging, which just screams "wing material" to any self respecting fly tier :)

The tie:
#14 Dohiku 301 dry fly hook
8/0 UNI thread tan
3 badger hairs for tails
orange dyed peacock quill
Canon G12 package foam wing
a little natural hare for thorax