
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Grayling Candy

A couple ties for the Ladies, all tied on #18 Hanák 130BL hooks:

A little redhead

The tie
#18 Hanák 130BL hook
14/0 Sheer thread gray
Heron herl
3 CDC feathers
70 dernier red Danville thread to cover the head

Green Quill

The tie
#18 Hanák 130BL hook
14/0 Sheer thread gray
pardo Coq de León tail
3 CDC feathers
a pinch of natural hare fur to make the thorax

Hare Emerger

The tie
#18 Hanák 130BL hook
14/0 Sheer thread gray
3 strands of twisted orange flashabou
body of dubbed hare ribbed with #16 UNI gold tinsel
3 CDC feathers
a pinch of natural hare fur to make the thorax


  1. That green quill is especially jazzy looking. I like it! Just bought some CDC...will have to try!

  2. I like the quill too - and I'm going to try it on some notoriously finicky grayling this coming weekend. I am curious what their verdict will be...
    But so far the best scorer of the lot was the scruffy emerger.

