
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Souvenirs from the BFFI 2012

A couple pictures from the British Fly Fair 2012 this weekend. The fair has been held for the tenth year in a row and had been a great place to meet friends both old and new.

A meeting of Czech and Swedish fly tyiers (a variation on the Встреча на Эльбе theme, for those of us old enough to understand Russian), with yours truly and Martin Ångnell.

It has been a pleasure to tie next to brilliant Dave Wiltshire, despite of his unfortunate habit of making complex fly patterns seem easy and setting the bar too high for us mere mortals.

I was glad to make acquaintance with Phillipe Geneix of Avozetto, a tier of true Gallic charm, and Johan Put from the Netherlands.

Jens Pilgaard from Denmark and Mike Townend from Scotland, two of the worlds best salmon dressers.

Rockwell Hammond from the US showed us that in order to excel in full dress salmon game true dedication is required.

A few of Jens Pilgaards creations.

It was extremely hard to resist the urge to spend money at the stands in the retail area. I know I have a whole cupboard full of materials I hardly ever use, but the need to buy more was strong. Perhaps a beautiful cape in bright orange from Chevron hackle, absolutely essential for modern salmon dressings? I know I don't fish for salmon, but just in case I decide so in future?

While it was hard but possible to resist at the materials stands it was impossible to do so at the books stands. As a result I flew home lighter for some cash, but with my bags heavier by a couple books on traditional dressings and a wonderful piece on angling photography by Matt Hayes.


  1. Nice show my friend, I hope we'll tie again in a same one !

    1. Hi Phil, I had a great time.
      Hope to see you around soon, and hopefully cast a line together to the high Alpine streams of your beautiful country!

  2. I really enjoyed your blog posts thank you
