
Friday, January 4, 2013

Olive Heron Mayfly

Yesterday I published a post on the importance of a fly tier knowing when to abandon the slavish imitative style in order to let his imagination fly on a Pegasus wing. I still stand by that opinion, but on the other hand I do not wish to disparage the Halfordian legacy.

The imitative tying style has its benefits - not least of which is the satisfaction a fly tier feels when he reproduces from a few threads and bits of feather a simulacrum of an insect that is capable not only of tricking of a wily predator but also of pleasing the eye of its maker.

The tie:

#16 Hanák H130 hook
UTC #70 Ultra thread, color Tan
a few fibres of Coq de León for tails
Heron herl, dyed Picric, for body
two CDC feathers, spun in a loop and cut to shape for wings


  1. Great looking Fly Jindra, very similar to a pattern I tie now ,I copied off Stuart Mimmakin (north yorkshire dales fly fishing).
    hope your well and Happy New Year !


    1. Thanks Spencer,

      I am not sure where I got the pattern; it is a simple and easy tie, so it could have occured to several people independently.

      I hope you have a good 2013 too!


  2. Hi Jindra!

    I like your thoughts in this post and I certainly agree with you. It might be nice to tie a fly that really resembles the authentic food the trout or grayling are feeding on. Although that can't be allowed to be the purpose in itself to imitate all the aspects of the insects that are around since the view we have of something is completely different from what the fish actually see. My point is that it should be fun to tie flies and fishing with them. I see that as the main purpose. If we burden ourselves with a lot of must be or must have or look (regarding our flies) we might miss the purpose I mentioned and it all might become a shore instead of something fun and relaxing. I hope you get my point here. Thanks for sharing this with us following your posts!

    Friendly greetings from Sweden,
    Mats "Jassid Man" Olsson

    1. Thanks Mats,
      I appreciate your comments. There is not much to do over the winter other than tie some flies, fondly remember the good days by the stream and look forward to the joys of the next season.
      The fly & post above is product of one such evening, greatly helped by some fine Chianti :)
