
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Opening the 2013 season

A combination of work & family issues, compounded by bad weather, has caused me to miss the traditional April 16th trout opening day and start my season only in May. The stinky office stuff I can get over, rainy weather will clear, but a certain young lady has some serious growing up ahead of her before she can cast a fly rod. I suppose I just have to get used to it.

As most of the rivers were still too high I decided to start my season on a stillwater. My favorite venue for early season trouting was closed due to competition, so I had to settle for another - also popular with Prague fly fishermen, but without the Sliwovitz destillery.

As I was not familiar with the water I struggled at first, catching only number of baby Perch - tiny in size, but voraciously attacking any fly showing some red - but no trout. The situation was not helped by my being badly out of casting practice after the long winter. As the day progressed I managed to connect with some fish by fishing a team of buzzers in the "washing line" style - a buyoant booby fly fished on point and two buzzers on droppers fished just below surface.

Holo Red Buzzer
#10 Kamasan B110 hook
black spanflex
shiny holo tinsel
Chinese Red UNI Stretch
a layer of Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails

Yelow Gold Buzzer
#10 Kamasan B110 hook
black spanflex
Yellow UNI Stretch
Black UNI 6/0 thread
a layer of Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails