
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Olive Emerger - Varivas

Family obligations and wet weather have kept me off the water for some time. But now the first October frosts have cleared the weather and reliable sources tell me that the Grayling on some Southern Bohemian rivers have worked themselves into something approaching a feeding frenzy. This is surely worth a fishing trip, but as the very same sources tell me that the fish are at the same time rather selective some preparation is required.

For this occasion I chose very fine wire Varivas hook - so fine I avoid it in situations where brown trout of a decent size is likely. The Grayling, being of a more delicate nature, allow the luxury of using such a fine hook and thus achieving a neater imitation.

The tie:
#18 Varivas 2200BL-B hook
#14 Sheer thread Grey
mirage Gütermann tinsel
a strip of herl from a Heron feather, dyed Picric
3 tips of CDC feathers
some red fox dubbing for thorax
a touch of a black CD marker


  1. Thank you George and Matt, I appreciate your encouragement!


  2. Now they look real fishy flies, just how like them.
