
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bandit Insurrection

Grayling and trout beware, Uhorčík and Hrajnoha - the fearsome Beadheaded Bandits - are getting ready for the opening of the 2011 season!

Orange tipped Hrajnoha
#10 Hanák H260BL hook
3.3 mm tungsten bead, gold
Red rooster hackle fibres
UNI 8/0 thread Tan
UNI Neon thread Orange
UNI gold tinsel #16
Homemade Hare dubbing

Green tipped Uhorčík
#10 Hanák H260BL hook
3.3 mm tungsten bead, gold
Red rooster hackle fibres
UNI 8/0 thread Tan
UNI Neon thread Green
UNI gold tinsel #16
Homemade Hare dubbing